
Poem : The Memory of You.

Recent past eclipses healthy memories, 
those days when your smile and skin glowed happy, 
what do we remember from before? 
all of us were young and unaware of a soon and threatening after, 
of a life later, 
when the living room is empty of you, 
when sad, silent objects sit in your void. 

Tears come, a slow tide of grief in the dark, 

or in a swell surrounded by a sea of strangers, 
an angry rock of grief grows in my throat as I flee 
to bathroom, closet, closed door.
I drive apologetic and repentant all the way to work each morning, 
all the way home at night, mascara running along the road with me.

And when I think that faith has failed me, 

"Take a deep breath," you say. 
The sun glows bright against glistening pavement, 
a sparrow flies fast and free above me, 

I breathe. 

"Until I see you again," 

       I whisper,
"Beatific, wholly holy, alive and well."


Becky said...

That's beautiful Bethany!

TGL said...

That's something to look forward to amidst all the grief x

Jim Woods said...

"Tears come, a slow tide of grief in the dark" this part is my favorite. This is absolutely beautiful and I can just feel the emotion pouring from this poem. Thanks for sharing this!

Lesliekeyna said...

Vibrant! Thanks for sharing.

Mary Howe, Debbie Redmans aunt said...

Dear Bethany, I am the aunt of your mom's friend Debbie Redman and she sent me your poem which is so lovely and meaningful.  Some one once told me that as long as you have memories your loved one will never be gone.  Please believe that is true and it is the memories of the wonderful times you had with your mom that will help you go forward which is what your mom would want for you.  Give yourself time to grieve no matter what anyone else tells you  Aunt Ellen  

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